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There's a lot of mis-information about and we're flooded with choices in the hope that we give up and stay as we are.... or just put it all on the back-burner....

and go back to the business of the day....


If you haven't already, you need to face your maker now...  before you end up in front of Him having continually put if off for all your time on earth.


Do you honestly think you're going to trample on His creation, pollute it all, give Him pretty much constant & uninterrupted grief throughout your time ? Setting an

"I'm-doing-it-My-Way" example that others also follow...


It's not what He wants...    It's not why He put you here...

It's time to stop and find out what life's really about while there's still the opportunity.

Like failing a drugs test... Ignorance is not an excuse...


Excluding Him during your life on earth will mean that you've excluded yourself from His life permanently. I mean PERMANENTLY.... Forever...  End of...


Unless you come to Him like it's His Universe and you're breathing His air... eating food that He made grow...


Unbeknown to you He's come here beforehand incognito and suffered

massively to pay for your offenses and to offer you a place in Heaven

that you don't deserve and cannot earn.


There will come a time when people who reject Him and regard His and His Son's suffering an irrelevance.... who reduce His name to be a swear word and blame Him for everything that's wrong, will be called to account.


Many will end up in the same place as the trash is going....


Sorry this is heavy.... But this may be the only chance you get....


On a more serious note, and only out of concern for your eternal wellbeing:


Isn't it better to face the truth while you can still do something about it ?

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